Day 48
7 September 2024

Sports Ministries

Prayers for France:

The work of Sports Ministry

As the Olympics and Paralympics end, we want to double down in prayer on those ministries focusing on evangelism through sports ministries in France. Organizations like Sport et Foi use sports as a tool to reach out to youth and communities with the message of Christ and we want to pray for their programs to last well beyond the Games.

  • Pray: for ongoing fruit from the boost experienced during the Olympics.
  • Pray: for the resources to continue their growth.

Prayers for the Games:

Greater Spiritual Awakening

Today we are praying for a spiritual awakening in Paris during the Paralympics. This event can be a catalyst for revival. Let’s ask for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully among the people.

  • Pray: for the Holy Spirit to move.
  • Pray: for many to come to faith.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed