Day 46
5 September 2024

The Church

Prayers for France:

Strengthening of House Churches

Today we are focusing on the strengthening of house churches in France. House churches provide intimate fellowship and discipleship opportunities but are not often understood. Pray for their growth, the leaders who guide them, and their impact on local communities.

  • Pray: for the growth and reputation of house churches.
  • Pray: for wisdom and guidance for house church leaders.

Prayers for the Games:

Government Officials and Decision Makers

Today we are praying for government officials and decision makers involved in the Olympics. They face significant responsibilities and pressures. Let’s ask for wisdom and discernment in their leadership.

  • Pray: for wisdom in their decisions.
  • Pray: for integrity and fairness.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed