Day 33
23 August 2024

French Regions - 12

Prayers for France:

Corsica (Corse)

An island known for its rugged mountains, beautiful beaches, and rich cultural heritage, including the birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte in Ajaccio. The Église Protestante Evangélique de Bastia is actively involved in church planting and community outreach on the island.

  • Pray: for the church planting and outreach efforts of Église Protestante Evangélique de Bastia.
  • Pray: for the spiritual revival and growth of the Christian community in Corsica.

Prayers for the Games:

Peaceful Relations Among Different Faiths

Just as we pray for France’s believers to share the Gospel with Muslims, today we are praying for peaceful relations among people of different faiths during the Paralympics. The games gather diverse individuals. Let’s ask for mutual respect, understanding, and harmonious interactions led by the Holy Spirit.

  • Pray: for mutual respect.
  • Pray: for understanding and cooperation.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed