Rakasta Ranskaa yhdessä Ranskan ja maailman kirkkojen kanssa kutsuu sinut vihkimään koko kirkon jumalanpalveluksen tai osan siitä ja/tai tapahtumasta tai aktiviteetista osana Eric Liddell 100 -juhlia!
Saatat haluta omistaa sinulle sopivan päivämäärän/ajan pää- ja parapelien aikana!
This July we mark 100 years since Eric Liddell sacrificed taking part in the Paris 1924 100 Metres qualifier in favour of going to church. His faithfulness was later rewarded with a gold medal in another race. Eric’s story was captured in the award winning film ‘Chariots of Fire’.
Today, when asked about Eric Liddell, many people, especially those under 40 are likely to reply 'Eric who'?
On Saturday the 6th of July it will be 100 years to the day when Eric gave up a long-held dream to run in the 100 metres in the 1924 Paris Olympics. He chose to do this to be obedient to his belief that Sunday was the Sabbath - a day of rest. Rather than being on the track that day and running in the heats of the 100 metres he preached a sermon at the Scots Church in Paris.
5 päivää myöhemmin - 11. heinäkuuta 1924 Eric juoksi 400 metrin finaalissa ja voitti kultaa. Voit katsoa sen kisan tässä…
One hundred years later, with the games also being held in Paris, there is an opportunity to be challenged and inspired by Eric Liddell's story, the values he led his life by, and the inspiration that comes from being exposed to the daily decisions and choices that he made.
Eric was passionate about his belief in God, his sport, his work and doing the right thing. He showed compassion for friends and adversaries alike. He upheld the highest level of integrity, even under the greatest pressures and during times of great danger.
We honour his life, we keep alive the spirit of a man who, faced with choices, chose principles over personal gain, Sundays over the spotlight.