I'm so pleased to be bringing you this news! - and to be inviting you to join with us in giving thanks for more than a million prayers that have been gifted from 130+ nations during the Games season, for France, the Games and the outreaches that have taken place.
We are so encouraged, and grateful for your prayers and those of many others, this last two months - Thank you!
Watch Matthew Glock from Ansambel 2024 and several others, thanking us on behalf of the French Church:
For me, and many of us, it is about 1 million prayers before the throne, like incense – a pleasing aroma that is moving His heart! It really is so, so, good.
'May the Lamb that was slain receive the due reward for His suffering.'
Countless people have used the 50 Day Prayer Guide that was prepared by our friends at Impact France and the 2BC Children's 7 Day Prayer Guide. Both are still available online in 33 languages with 10 languages as pdf download.
I am still singing the catchy theme song that our team produced for the Children's guide! Thank you to Cami Plaster for the actions.
Some of us have taken to theInterseed House of Prayer app, to follow the prayer guide and pray with others online. IPC will continue to build on our partnership with this amazing app!
Many French speaking Christians around the world were accessing the Love France Prayer Guide on the Chretiens.Com website.Â
Answered Prayers
Last week, we shared some of the available information about the numbers of people who had been approached with the Gospel, and their responses. Details are still coming in, but we are hearing of many lives dedicated to Jesus, and an openness to the Gospel that the missionaries say was unprecedented... it has to be God!
The Church is very much alive in France! It has risen to the challenge and opportunity that the Games provided! There is much to be thankful for.
We have reports of fresh inter-church / ministry collaborations and joint-working as a result of the Ensemble 2024 Sports Hub in Paris that were fruitful. There is also a sense of a growing unity among the Churches there, praise God.
So today, let's be praying for the long-term impact and fruit of the evangelistic events that took part during the Olympics. As attendees and athletes return home, let's pray for many to continue to encounter Jesus and to grow in their faith!
Let's continue to uphold both the Church of France and the church-planting and missions movements who are working there, as they seek to build on the successes and encouragements of these last several weeks.
See the Children’s Prayer Guide for today DI SINI
What's Next?!
Many are asking 'what's next?!' Love France are talking with the various partners about how we can best keep you informed on praying for France, the Church here and the many missions initiatives. We will bring the next chapter of this project to you shortly.
But in the meantime! - do continue to use the prayer pointers on the Love France website, and the Pray for France Prayer Guides available DI SINI
Do continue to feedback your comments, words, pictures and suggestions through the Love France website DI SINI
If you have a prayer burden for the United States of America, we would welcome your participation in the Global Day of Prayer for America, taking place 22nd September. More info DI SINI
‘May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.’ Psalm 141:2
Thank you again for YOUR prayers. May each of our prayers be pleasing, acceptable and Glorifying to the Lamb of God.
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