July 29, 2024 /

Launching Love France - France 1 Million!

A video from Dr Jason Hubbard - Director, International Prayer Connect

On behalf of International prayer connect and the global prayer movements, we are so excited about all that God is doing through the upcoming Olympic Games this summer. 

This is the time for Paris! This is the time for France! 

As you know, the world's eyes will be on the nation of France this summer, and we want to provide a global canopy of prayer, of spirit led Christ, exalting Bible - based breakthrough prayer on behalf of all that God wants to do through these games. Please pray also for unity for the church across France. 

These games are an opportunity for the church to collaborate together to reach many nations with the Gospel. We can do so much more together than we can apart. As Psalm 133 writes, Behold how good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity, for there the Lord has commanded the blessing life forevermore. Amen!

We would like to personally invite you to join us to give a gift of 1 million prayers for France from the church worldwide this summer, it takes just one prayer, one click, to be part of this amazing gift. 

There's a daily prayer guide together with simple prayer points right through the games, with inspiring videos and resources and 30 plus languages. 

You can join us at www.lovefrance.world.

Let's be praying together for the security of the games, praying for the athletes, for their families. We want to pray for Christ to be exalted and for God to bless the work of those who will be sharing the Gospel and for those loving and serving the least, the lost and the last. 

May God do immeasurably more as we pray than all we could ever ask or even imagine, all for His glory and for our joy, Amen!
