Day 02
23 July 2024

Strong Roots

Prayers for France:

Christian Schools in France

Today, we are highlighting the role of Christian education in shaping the lives of young people. In France, it is crucial to provide quality education that integrates faith and learning, preparing students to be disciples of Christ in all areas of life. Evangelical Christian schools in France are looked at with suspicion, and homeschooling is illegal except with government authorization, so there is much to pray for! One group working diligently to support all Christian schools in France is ACSI France.

  • Pray: for provision for Christian schools to hire and retain teachers.
  • Pray: for local government officials to support and welcome Christian schools.

Prayers for the Games:

Support for Athletes’ Families

Today, we are praying for support and encouragement for the families of athletes. They experience unique challenges. Let’s ask for peace, comfort, and joy for them as they support their loved ones. As many prepare to travel – please pray for safety, protection, and divine encounters that draw them closer to Jesus.

  • Pray: for peace and comfort to be shared in Christ.
  • Pray: for safe travels.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed