Day 07
28 July 2024

Power of Prayer

Prayers for France:

Intercessory Revival in France

Today, we are emphasizing the power of prayer in transforming lives and communities. In France, there is a significant need for Christians to deepen their prayer lives, seeking spiritual renewal and unity. France en Feu, an intercessory network, has been pivotal in mobilizing prayer warriors across the nation and launching France Prière.

  • Pray: for the renewal of strength in prayer for intercessors.
  • Pray: for the Lord's revelation of His plans for France.

Prayers for the Games:

Safety and Security of All Participants

Today, we are praying for the safety and security of all participants in the Olympic Games. With thousands of athletes and spectators, ensuring safety is paramount. Let’s ask for God’s protection over every venue and travel route.

  • Pray: for effective security measures.
  • Pray: for peace and safety in Paris.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed