Day 13
3 August 2024

The Family

Prayers for France:

Strengthening French Christian Families

Today, we are addressing the challenges facing families in France, such as maintaining a Christ-centered life amidst societal pressures. In France, it is essential to support parents and children in their faith, encourage strong family bonds, and promote Christian values. The French Family Association is a network of pro-family Protestant organizations.

  • Pray: that families stand strong and be a light in uncertain times.
  • Pray: that churches develop programs to address youth challenges.

Prayers for the Games:

Provision for Volunteers

Today, we are praying for the provision and well-being of volunteers serving at the Games. Volunteers play a crucial role in the success of the event. Let’s pray for their needs to be met and for their spirits to be lifted. Please pray for Ensemble 24 whose team has played an important role in mobilizing the Church for the Games.

  • Pray: for their physical strength.
  • Pray: for encouragement and support.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed