Day 24
14 August 2024

French Regions - 3

Prayers for France:

Grand Est

This region in northeastern France is known for its rich Alsatian culture - having changed hands between France and Germany over the centuries. The region also includes the first Evangelical church in France to reach 3,000 people over 20 years ago, la Porte Ouverte Chrétienne (Open Door), and a very unique and powerful Evangelical presence.

  • Pray: for the outreach programs of la Porte Ouverte and all the churches in the region.
  • Pray: for hope and joy, as this region can often be somber.

Prayers for the Games:

Hope and Healing for the Hurting

Today, we are praying for hope and healing for those who are hurting. The Games can bring personal struggles to the surface. Let’s ask for God’s comfort and peace in Jesus for those in need.

  • Pray: for comfort and peace.
  • Pray: for God’s presence to be felt.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed